IGEM are the professional engineering institution for gas, here to support individuals and organisations connected with the gas industry.
As advocates of excellence, IGEM's core aim is to help all those involved with gas to achieve and maintain the highest standards of professional competence.
They do this by publishing technical standards, delivering high quality events and courses that contribute to professional development and by bringing people together through membership to share knowledge, expertise and best practice.
IGEM are licensed by Engineering Council to award Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician status and assist individuals to become professionally registered engineers.
If you want to improve your career prospects and become an IGEM member please visit https://www.igem.org.uk/
Syon Media are a multi-media publishing company that provides the Jobs site and staffing for IGEM.
Syon have been providing membership organisations with contract publishing services for over 20 years. They offer a complete range of services you would expect from a quality publisher. Subscription services, editorial teams, art and design experts, distribution specialists, postal and newstrade delivery and app development are just a few of the services Syon provide for membership organisations.
Why not visit them on www.syonmedia.com